9 More Ideas for Boosting Revenue During the Holidays

With Halloween wrapping up just a few days ago, many of us have shifted into holiday-mode. Whether you think the holiday decorations go up right on November 1st or absolutely must wait until after Thanksgiving, everyone is in agreement that the shopping buzz has officially begun. So how do you help your business get the most out of the holiday season? With holiday promotions, of course!

Last year we shared 9 sensational ideas for boosting your revenue during the holiday season, and this year we have 9 more ideas to help you get the most out of your holiday promotions:

1 // Start Early and End Later

We see this with Walmart kicking off their online Black Friday deals on November 8, so why can’t small businesses do the same? Start your holiday deals ahead of time while people are eagerly awaiting discounts and special deals. Not only can you get the attention of early shoppers, you can also catch those in your audience who are fashionably late.

2 // Create Gift Guides

Around the holidays, people are searching for the best gifts to get their loved ones. By making gift guides, you’re keeping your audience informed while opening opportunities to attract more to your website. Get specific and think about what your target audience would be searching for, not to mention this is a great chance to show off your own products and services!

3 // Offer Freebies

Who doesn’t love getting something for free? With all the spending customers are doing during the holiday season, offering something free will be a great change of pace and an incentive for customers to shop with you. Think about what would be profitable for your business while also providing something valuable to consumers, like a gift card, free shipping, or a Buy One Get One deal.

4 // Up Your Email Marketing

This is a great option if you have been building up your email list through the year! Your audience is waiting to hear from you and learn about upcoming promotions or events. Start working out a campaign through the holiday season, thinking about what to promote and how often. Don’t forget to include subject lines that are sure to get opens like sale or savings, a percentage or dollar amount off, or tailor it to a specific holiday.

5 // Make a Holiday-Specific Landing Page

We mentioned this one in our holiday promotion guide last year. Make it clear that you are offering something special for the holidays! Make sure customers can easily identify the value and provide a clear path to the desired call-to-action. As more and more are opting to shop from their smartphones, it’s crucial to make sure the page is optimized for mobile users. Once the promotion is finished, simply take down the webpage and you’re all set!

6 // Utilize Video Marketing

Video can do a lot for a brand’s authenticity. It helps your audience put a face to the company and get a behind-the-scenes look at their favorite brands. This is also a great opportunity for businesses without a physical product! Provide insight into what you offer, ask your team holiday-related questions, or simply show customers everything happening as you prepare for the holidays.

7 // The 12 Days of Giveaways

This is a trend we’ve seen on the rise in recent years. Made popular by the 12 Days of Christmas, each day will offer a different deal that gives your audience many opportunities to join in on the fun. Consider the logistics of the deals: what will provide value while also boosting your sales? Do you want 12 days or more/less? Most importantly, promote ahead of time and be sure to share the daily deal either on social media or email (or both). 

8 // Show Your Appreciation

Adding a little note of thanks can go a long way. Not only does it show your gratitude, but it can also keep customers coming back in the future. Send messages to your loyal customers before the holiday rush or include thank you notes or emails with every purchase. And don’t forget to include a special coupon or discount for when they return!

9 // Give Back to the Community

Did you know that many millennials and Gen Z will choose to shop at places that give back? Not only does it make the business feel good knowing that they are making a difference, it also makes the shopper feel good about their purchase. People will often choose to support a brand that gives back over a competitor that does not. Choose a charity that genuinely aligns with your business goals and show your customers the impact that they’ve made buying with you!

The holiday season has only just begun and there is still plenty of time to work up a successful promotion strategy! As consumers have come to expect holiday deals and promotions, this is an important time of year for convincing those who have been on the fence for a while. You don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity to grow your business before the end of the fiscal year. 

Ready to start thinking about your 2024 marketing plan? GoldBear Media makes it easy for you! Simply download our free guide below or send us an email to schedule your consultation. We’re here to help you achieve your goals in the new year!

Happy Holidays to you and yours from GoldBear Media!


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